COVID19 Response
We are open again! Indigo Fire has been closed since March 14th due to the Coronavirus. We will be reopening with limited operations starting on July 13th. Coronavirus remains to be a significant health threat, so we are taking our reopening seriously. Here is our current plan.
We are taking all safety precautions recommended by Massachusetts' reopening guidelines. Though we are reopening we recommend that anyone who may be at higher risk of illness due to COVID19 not visit or work at the studio right now. You can find information on whether you're at higher risk here. There are many factors to consider in deciding if it's appropriate to visit a public space such as our studio, and we encourage everyone to make an informed decision for themselves. Click here to see our summarized safety precautions.
Limited Operations Summary
Our initial reopening will offer opportunities for independent study, at-home independent study, classes, the summer kids program and private lessons.
All of these offerings are operating in a limited fashion compared to our normal lineup. We're unable to give class and independent study students open studio access as we have in the past. The studio's occupancy limit is significantly reduced right now. Classes have a maximum of 6 students and allow for practice time before and after class. Independent study students sign up for set times weekly when they may come in and work on their pottery. Our summer kids program is running for 7 weeks starting on July 13th. The studio will be closed to students and visitors during this time. We've carved out one time slot for private lessons on the weekends. Lastly, our at-home independent study students finally have the opportunity to come in and glaze their pottery.
Pottery Pickup
Importantly, folks who have taken classes, workshops, private lessons and independent study at Indigo Fire in the past will be able to pickup and finish pottery that has been stored at the studio. We have a standard, two-month storage policy for pottery at the studio after it comes out of the kiln(for workshops, this ends up being 3 months from the date of event). This storage timeline has been paused for all pottery since we closed on March 14th.
Pottery may be picked up or glazed during the following times:
Monday - Friday, 3:30pm-9:00pm
Saturday and Sunday, 12:00pm-6:00pm
We are running three classes during July and August. Enrollment in these classes has been offered to our students who had registered for the spring semester which never happened. We are targeting September to offer our full lineup of classes again. These will be available initially to our spring semester students who have been registered for classes that never happened. If there are remaining seats, we will make them available to the public. These classes will have a different structure than normal. We're not sure exactly what they will look like yet. Stay tuned.
Independent Study
Our independent study students have the option to sign up for weekly time slots to come in and pot. This new, limited version of independent study is priced differently at $80 a month. Students may convert the time they had remaining in their old independent study when the studio closed into credits that can be applied to ​this new independent study offering.
At-home Independent Study​
At-home independent study students may now come into the studio during designated times to glaze and pick up their pottery. We will be in contact with you all directly about this. You can find out more information on our At-home Independent Study Page
Private Lessons
We have a single time slot allocated to private lessons on Saturday mornings. Because our studio capacity is so limited, we're constrained on what we can offer and when to offer it. We're hopeful that we can offer more time for private lessons as our schedule evolves.
Summer Kids Program
The summer kids program is running for 7 weeks starting on July 13th. We're extremely excited that this is the case. We are taking many additional precautions in order to run the program as safely as possible. It is going to be a unique summer for us and the kids. We will make the absolute best of it and are confident that we can give the kids a great experience. Check out our summer kids program page for more information.
As of right now, workshops don't fit into our reopening plan. Our studio is small, and we have a limited number of enrollment spots for independent study and classes. This leaves workshops as our primary offering to folks interested in visiting Indigo Fire and trying pottery out. For this reason, they're a top priority. We'll be incorporating them into our offering lineup as soon as we reasonably can. Keep an eye out for a future newsletter on this.
Summary of safety precautions
Physical studio layout: The number of wheels and tables in the studio has been reduced significantly. This is to help accommodate social distancing and new occupancy limits.
Directional foot traffic: Arrows laid out on the floor show recommended walking lanes to help accommodate social distancing.
Station limits: Sinks, working spaces, the kitchen, the wedging table, pottery pickup shelves and the plaster table may only be occupied by one person at a time.
Barriers: Indigo Fire is not large enough to maintain 6 feet distance from others at all times. We have barriers in place at wheels and tables where this is the case.
Sanitation: The studio will be sanitized regularly throughout the day and extensively at night.
Handwashing stations: We have proper handwashing stations at all three studio sinks.
Hand sanitizing stations: There is hand sanitizer available upon entry and in the studio.
Face masks: All staff and persons entering the studio will be required to wear a face mask.
Signage: Signs will be posted throughout the studio to remind folks of safety recommendations.
Thank you to our lovely community!
We've received many notes from our students with messages of positivity and appreciation for what we offer. You've put up with our many changes over the years. You're the reason we've been able to stay in business this long. We'll make it through this pandemic to hold down our spot..... the coolest pottery studio in Boston.